
Showing posts with label Hispanics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hispanics. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hispanic GOP Group to Ron Paul: Apology Not Enough, Paul Should Quit Race

Marshall, MN – Friday, Ron Paul finally apologized for racist newsletters and fund raising letters sent out in his name, but there remain questions to be answered, and answers to be questioned.

We still do not know who wrote the racist material. Though he denied it, Lew Rockwell has been reported as Ron Paul’s principal ghostwriter, raising another important issue. Lew Rockwell was also Ron Paul’s congressional chief of staff. What sort of individuals does Ron Paul surround himself with? What sort of leaders would Ron Paul surround himself with as president?

Also unknown are the ghost writers for Ron Paul’s recent books. Do the books represent Ron Paul’s views, or, as with the newsletters, did Ron Paul hire ghost writers and not even bother to read the material before publication?

We believe Ron Paul when he says he did not write or review the racist material before publication, but there is still an extremely important issue at stake here. Ron Paul asks us to trust his leadership ability as president of the United States, when he has already demonstrated he cannot even manage a newsletter staff of just a few!

During the last election, there was also a scandal about Ron Paul accepting contributions through Stormfront, a thoroughly racist web site. Ron Paul refused to return a contribution from Don Black, owner of Stormfront, or to block incoming fund raising links from Stormfront. Ron Paul remains as popular as ever at Stormfront, and dozens of Stormfront supporters are helping Ron Paul’s campaign this election too. What candidate for public office in their right mind accepts money and support from white supremacists? The highly respected David Horowitz claims Ron Paul is a “vicious anti-semite” and his positions about the Middle East emphasize disturbing questions about Paul and Stormfront.

We don’t believe Ron Paul is presidential material. Not only has he demonstrated a lack of leadership with his newsletters, support from racists, and a notable lack of substantive accomplishments as a Congressman, but he is dangerously naïve about foreign policy, particularly the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran. Long gone are the days when America could be isolationist, hiding behind ‘fortress America.’ We learned that on 9/11, which notably Ron Paul has blamed on America. Iran calls Israel “little Satan” and America “big Satan” and talks about wiping Israel off the map. If Iran, directly or through its terrorist proxies, is willing to use nuclear weapons on “little Satan” then shouldn’t we realize Iran would use nuclear weapons on us too?

We also don’t believe Ron Paul can beat Barrack Obama in the general election, especially with the weight of these racist newsletters, and open support from white supremacists hanging like an albatross around his neck. The GOP will need to attract many more minority voters in the general election to defeat Obama. Obama stands ready to rip apart any GOP nominee with even a hint of a racist past. Ron Paul cannot defeat Obama, and we call on Ron Paul to quit the race.
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About Us – Cafe Con Leche Republicans is a national organization of Republicans who welcome “New Americans”, defined as immigrants and descendants of recent immigrants who are going through the process of acculturation. Our mission is to make America and particularly the GOP, more welcoming to “New Immigrants” through political activism, “in-reach” and education within the Republican Party, and lobbying government to adopt more immigrant friendly policies. We also seek to bring more conservative and moderate “New Americans” to the Republican Party. This combination of efforts will strengthen the Republican Party, and lead more Republicans to embrace more welcoming policies for immigrants and their families. Cafe Con Leche Republicans has chapters in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania, and members in other states including Iowa.