
Friday, May 17, 2013

Chris Christie attempts to woo the Latino vote

Having all but ignored Latino voters during his 2009 gubernatorial campaign, Gov. Chris Christie attempted to woo them — or at least blow a kiss in their direction — with the Friday release of a Spanish-language political ad, a first for his campaign.

The commercial, "Orgullo de New Jersey," part of a $275,000 ad buy by the governor's re-election campaign, ups the ante for Democratic challenger Barbara Buono, who is trailing Christie in polls and fundraising numbers and can ill afford to lose support among a traditionally Democratic voting bloc.

Are Hispanics Too Stupid to Become Americans?

No. And here's why.

Last week, the conservative Heritage Foundation issued a new study purporting to show that letting illegal immigrants from south of the border become citizens would cost more than $6 trillion dollars in social benefits by 2050. Researchers from all segments of the political spectrum contested that finding.

In the midst of the controversy, it turned out that one of the study’s authors, Jason Richwine, had argued in his 2009 Harvard dissertation that immigration policy should focus on selecting and admitting individuals with higher IQs. Naturally, all hell broke loose, and the brave leadership at Heritage tossed the hapless Richwine overboard by the end of the week.

So what exactly did Richwine’s dissertation say? And is there any truth to it?

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Journal: Hispanics actually don't share Republican 'faith and family' values

New Republican research on the GOP and Hispanics gives the party reason for hope that it can climb out of the political hole it is in with these voters. But there’s some bad news mixed in with the good, laid out in a Public Opinion Strategies memo about two lengthy focus groups of Hispanic voters this month in Las Vegas. 

The most surprising findings involve social and cultural issues.

Conservatives may assume they have the franchise on “faith and family” and all that label signifies, but Hispanics don’t see it that way. Polls show that Hispanics really do line up more with Republicans on gay marriage and abortion, as the GOP claims when it talks of Hispanics as Republicans in waiting or Republicans who just don’t realize it yet.

 But “by a rather staggering margin,” POS partner Nicole McCleskey writes in the memo, Hispanics say they are much more likely to agree with the Democratic approach to social and cultural issues.

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Gabriel Gomez Delivers Victory Speech On Primary Night

Monday, April 29, 2013

Gabriel Gomez for U.S. Senate

Gabriel Gomez is a new generation of Republican leader with a great American story.
Gabriel, 47, was born in Los Angeles and is the son of Colombian immigrants.  With his mother only knowing a few words of English, Gabriel grew up speaking Spanish before learning English.  Like so many other new American families, his parents overcame hardships to create a better life for their children. Gabriel’s upbringing in a grateful, first generation American family instilled in him a duty to give back to his country and led him to successfully seek appointment to the United States Naval Academy. Graduating from Annapolis with merit, Gabriel began his Navy service by earning an invitation to flight school and quickly earned his wings.   Gabriel served the country flying E2-C Hawkeyes and C2-A Greyhounds off aircraft carriers.
With a growing sense of obligation and duty, and a continuing desire to excel within the Navy, Gomez pursued a transfer into the Navy SEALS, an elite unit where only 20 percent of applicants complete the arduous training.  Gabriel was warned that if he failed to make the cut, he would lose his status as a Navy pilot. He succeeded as a SEAL with distinction, becoming the class leader during training and a platoon commander upon completion.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Op-ed: The Republican tug of war between Hispanics and the Tea Party

Juhem Navarro-Rivera, Research Associate with the Public Religion Research Institute writes this latest piece for NBC Latino. 

 Conventional wisdom suggests that the Republican Party needs to support comprehensive immigration reform if it is to become more diverse and attract more Hispanic voters into its coalition. But the GOP may have a tough time bringing the Tea Party along for the ride.

New data from a joint survey by Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution shows that Americans who identify with the Tea Party are far more likely than other Republicans to oppose comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship – and that’s not likely to change any time soon. The question is how the Republican Party will manage its current coalition – especially keeping the Tea Party faction happy – with rising pressure to support policies that would bring more diversity to the party.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Republican Congressman Refers to Latinos as "Wetbacks"

The Republican Party has embarked on an effort to re-brand itself to a more diverse set of voters, but one GOP congressman apparently did not get the memo. 

Rep. Don Young (Alaska) referred to Latinos using the racial slur"wetbacks" in an interview with public radio station KRBD that was published on Thursday. Young, 79, used the term when discussing how automation in industry has taken away jobs from working-class individuals.

"I used to own -- my father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 to 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," he said. "You know, it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now."

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Are you interested in helping recruit, train, and fund Latino Republicans to run for office?

Join GROW Are you interested in helping recruit, train, and fund Latino Republicans to run for office?

Do you want to empower Latino Republicans to build their own Republican Party? Are you a Latino Republican who wants to run for office? If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions, we invite you to join GROW Elect. Just fill out the form below, indicate your interest, and we will add you to our internal communications list and contact you shortly.

GROW Helps Elect Three More Latino Republicans to Office

 Jack Guerrero won his seat for City Council in the City of Cudahy
Los AngelesGROW Elect, the political organization dedicated to electing Latino Republicans to office in California, has scored three more wins in local elections held in Southern California yesterday.GROW Elect supported the successful candidacies of Jack Guerrero for City Council in the City of Cudahy, Ray Marquez for City Council in the City of Chino Hills and Art Vasquez for City Treasurer in the City of Azusa.
The three winners are in addition to 30 Latino Republicans elected to local office across California with the support of GROW Elect since late 2011.
GROW Elect President Ruben Barrales declared, “I am proud of all of our candidates and of the hard work of our team in helping guide three of them to victory. I am especially proud of Jack Guerrero’s victory. He is an impressive young talent, a CPA who is Stanford and Harvard educated. Elected Democratic leaders tried hard to defeat Jack, so they could cite it as an example to be used against us. Our team on the ground made the difference in Jack’s tough election victory.
“GROW Elect is getting results and changing the face of the Republican Party in California one election at a time, one office at a time. We are in this for the long haul and last night’s results are just the latest boost in momentum for our efforts,” concluded Barrales.