
Monday, May 20, 2013

Susana Martinez | TIME 100: The Most Influential People in the World

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez has been named by Time magazine to its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. At 18 and armed with a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum, Susana Martinez guarded parking lots at church bingo nights for her parents’ security business.

She later attended law school, becoming a prosecutor and handling child-abuse and homicide cases. Fired by her boss after being called to testify against him, she challenged him at the polls, eventually winning four terms as Doña Ana County district attorney.

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Rich Valdes: Obama courts Hispanic support using ‘jobs’ pretext, Leaders skeptical

NEW JERSEY, May 10, 2013 ― President Obama traveled to Mexico and Costa Rica just days before the Cinco de Mayo celebration as part of his “Latin America” and “Jobs” tour, then headed to Texas Thursday morning.

With the Hispanic or Latino demographic category as the largest minority group in the U.S. (about 50,478,000, or 16.5 percent of the population) and the fastest-growing voting bloc, one can understand why the President wants to make nice with this group.

However, leaders in Latin America are skeptical about Obama and his intentions.

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Jose Fulgencio: My Interview with George McDonald

Last week (May 10, 2013) I had the honor to interview George McDonald, 2013 Republican candidate for the Mayor of New York City. I asked George, which he prefers to be called, a series of questions on his campaign platform for Mayor and his views on what it means to be Mayor for New York City.

George does not speak the usual political talk and instead uses his experience as an entrepreneur, founder and CEO of The Doe Fund, which is a non-profit organization that helps homeless and formerly incarcerated New Yorkers change their life through the power of work, spirit to his candidacy and his passion to help the community reach its highest potential is set forth in his platform.

George is disturbed by the commonality of Americans and with the government saying that it is all right to stay in the middle class. George mentions how there is nothing wrong with an individual wanting to reach higher than just middle class. If one can set their mind to it then there is nothing one cannot achieve.

When asked if there is a platform to outreach the Latino communities of New York City George mentions how he want’s to reach out to every community because he wants to help everyone not just specialize on one group. Yet he did mention how the Latino communities play an important part of New York City and how Latino immigrant’s hard work ethnic has transformed them into successful entrepreneurs and benefited New York City.

George wants to instill the entrepreneurial spirit by turning human capital into capital. One of the major platforms that George wants to do is create business opportunities and have full employment. George also wants to make NYC a business friendly environment and making it a better environment for small businesses to start and for the current small businesses to prosper.

George wants to lessen regulations on businesses to create more revenue for the city through payroll tax incentives. As Mayor, George would appoint a Deputy Mayor for Workforce Development to make sure jobs are being created, lessen the regulations on businesses and that there is an increase of businesses being created.

When asked about fighting crime in New York City George wants to continue to keep New York City as the safest city in America from terrorism and violence in the communities. George wants to make a “focus impact” by assigning the responsibility of the community to the people of the community.

George also wants to get the trust of the communities and to make sure that former inmates get jobs out of prison and to lessen the impact of crime by replacing it with jobs.

On the education front as mayor George wants to make sure that the department of education educates the students of New York City. Education is an important part of being mayor and George wants the education of every child in the city to be of value because it translates into a better society and higher quality workforce.

To learn more about George, his platform, volunteer opportunities, donate to his campaign or to be part of his campaign visit

- Interviewed by Jose Fulgencio, former Editor in Chief of El Republicanos (HHR’s Spanish Blog)  Follow on Twitter @jful51


Jose Fulgencio is currently a Lecturer in the Political Science Department at Oklahoma State University, a graduate student finishing his M.S. in Entrepreneurship (May 2013) and is in the process of launching his third business venture with the guidance of the School of Entrepreneurship faculty at Oklahoma State University.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Chris Christie attempts to woo the Latino vote

Having all but ignored Latino voters during his 2009 gubernatorial campaign, Gov. Chris Christie attempted to woo them — or at least blow a kiss in their direction — with the Friday release of a Spanish-language political ad, a first for his campaign.

The commercial, "Orgullo de New Jersey," part of a $275,000 ad buy by the governor's re-election campaign, ups the ante for Democratic challenger Barbara Buono, who is trailing Christie in polls and fundraising numbers and can ill afford to lose support among a traditionally Democratic voting bloc.

Are Hispanics Too Stupid to Become Americans?

No. And here's why.

Last week, the conservative Heritage Foundation issued a new study purporting to show that letting illegal immigrants from south of the border become citizens would cost more than $6 trillion dollars in social benefits by 2050. Researchers from all segments of the political spectrum contested that finding.

In the midst of the controversy, it turned out that one of the study’s authors, Jason Richwine, had argued in his 2009 Harvard dissertation that immigration policy should focus on selecting and admitting individuals with higher IQs. Naturally, all hell broke loose, and the brave leadership at Heritage tossed the hapless Richwine overboard by the end of the week.

So what exactly did Richwine’s dissertation say? And is there any truth to it?

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Journal: Hispanics actually don't share Republican 'faith and family' values

New Republican research on the GOP and Hispanics gives the party reason for hope that it can climb out of the political hole it is in with these voters. But there’s some bad news mixed in with the good, laid out in a Public Opinion Strategies memo about two lengthy focus groups of Hispanic voters this month in Las Vegas. 

The most surprising findings involve social and cultural issues.

Conservatives may assume they have the franchise on “faith and family” and all that label signifies, but Hispanics don’t see it that way. Polls show that Hispanics really do line up more with Republicans on gay marriage and abortion, as the GOP claims when it talks of Hispanics as Republicans in waiting or Republicans who just don’t realize it yet.

 But “by a rather staggering margin,” POS partner Nicole McCleskey writes in the memo, Hispanics say they are much more likely to agree with the Democratic approach to social and cultural issues.

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Gabriel Gomez Delivers Victory Speech On Primary Night

Monday, April 29, 2013

Gabriel Gomez for U.S. Senate

Gabriel Gomez is a new generation of Republican leader with a great American story.
Gabriel, 47, was born in Los Angeles and is the son of Colombian immigrants.  With his mother only knowing a few words of English, Gabriel grew up speaking Spanish before learning English.  Like so many other new American families, his parents overcame hardships to create a better life for their children. Gabriel’s upbringing in a grateful, first generation American family instilled in him a duty to give back to his country and led him to successfully seek appointment to the United States Naval Academy. Graduating from Annapolis with merit, Gabriel began his Navy service by earning an invitation to flight school and quickly earned his wings.   Gabriel served the country flying E2-C Hawkeyes and C2-A Greyhounds off aircraft carriers.
With a growing sense of obligation and duty, and a continuing desire to excel within the Navy, Gomez pursued a transfer into the Navy SEALS, an elite unit where only 20 percent of applicants complete the arduous training.  Gabriel was warned that if he failed to make the cut, he would lose his status as a Navy pilot. He succeeded as a SEAL with distinction, becoming the class leader during training and a platoon commander upon completion.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Op-ed: The Republican tug of war between Hispanics and the Tea Party

Juhem Navarro-Rivera, Research Associate with the Public Religion Research Institute writes this latest piece for NBC Latino. 

 Conventional wisdom suggests that the Republican Party needs to support comprehensive immigration reform if it is to become more diverse and attract more Hispanic voters into its coalition. But the GOP may have a tough time bringing the Tea Party along for the ride.

New data from a joint survey by Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution shows that Americans who identify with the Tea Party are far more likely than other Republicans to oppose comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship – and that’s not likely to change any time soon. The question is how the Republican Party will manage its current coalition – especially keeping the Tea Party faction happy – with rising pressure to support policies that would bring more diversity to the party.

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