
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Republicans & The "New" DREAM Act - The Hill

Senate Republicans want to alter DREAM Act legislation to steal away Hispanic voters from Democrats.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), the only Senate Republican of Hispanic heritage and a possible vice presidential pick, is working on an alternative version of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age and serve in the military or attend college.

He declined to provide any details, but confirmed he hopes to have legislation soon.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Latinos See Rise in Poverty & Unemployment

The longest jobs recession since World War II is getting even worse for Latinos. New figures are out yesterday indicate that for the first time in a year Hispanics have seen a rise in unemployment.

According to new data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for Latinos increased from 10.5 percent to 10.7 percent.

While overall job creation continues to take hold and the total rate of unemployment remains steady, Latinos continue to suffer high rates of joblessness that are more than two points above the national average.

More Great Rocky Chavez News

More good news for Rocky Chavez… according to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters, there will be NO DEMOCRAT on the ballot for the 76th Assembly District! Also, none of the three Republicans earned enough votes to win the GOP endorsement this past weekend.

Under California’s new “Top 2″ primary, this bodes very well for Rocky as he works to put a winning coalition of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents together to win one of the top 2 positions in the June primary, and then win in the November election.

SOURCE: Somos Republicans

Monday, March 12, 2012

Julius Melendez announces candidacy for U.S. Congress

Current Osceola County School Board Vice-Chairman Julius Meledez announced his candidacy for the new United States Congressional seat to be carved out of portions of Osceola, Orange and Brevard counties. It is projected that the new district will be about 40% Hispanic.

At a recent Tea Party rally at the Lake Eola Park, in downtown Orlando, Melendez, a Republican, joined Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher, who is also running for Congress, and was present at the event. If he wins the Republican Party nomination for the seat, ne is likely to face Democrat Alan Grayson, who lost his own seat to Republican Daniel Webster by 21 points last year, but has indicated that he wants to go back to Washington.

Continue reading on Julius Melendez announces candidacy for U.S. Congress - Orlando Republican |

George P. Bush aims to propel more Hispanic Republicans into politics

By Julian Aguilar
The Texas Tribune

The seeds of political ascension for a member of the Bush family may have been planted in an Austin eatery whose name conjures up images of Janis Joplin jam sessions.

After Election Day in 2006, George P. Bush of Fort Worth -- the son of former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and the nephew of former President George W. Bush -- met with a friend at Threadgill's to discuss how to propel more Hispanics within the ranks of the Republican Party.

More than five years later, Bush was in Austin recently discussing how the 18-month-old Hispanic Republicans of Texas Political Action Committee, which he co-founded, moves ahead after redistricting.

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Texas Republicans gain Hispanic but will he keep seat?

AUSTIN, Texas — Rarely does the Texas governor, attorney general, state comptroller and House speaker heap praise on a freshman lawmaker, but that's what happens when a Hispanic state representative becomes a Republican at a time when the party considers its dominance in danger.

Gov. Rick Perry congratulated Harlingen Rep. J.M. Lozano for placing personal convictions over party loyalty. Attorney General Greg Abbott pledged the Republican Party's support for Lozano and all Hispanics who want to join the party that places God over government.

Perry didn't shy away from why.

"For the Republican majority to continue to grow and expand we need a new generation to step forward. We need those fresh faces from communities where our party has underperformed," Perry said on Thursday. "In particular, we need those Hispanic leaders to carry the banner of the party."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Arizona set to test Romney’s appeal to Hispanics

PHOENIX — With this weekend’s endorsement by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, Mitt Romney has amassed the backing of what could be considered the trifecta of hard-liners on illegal immigration — and he will put that to the test with Hispanic voters Tuesday in Arizona’s GOP primary.

Mr. Romney also has the support of former California Gov. Pete Wilson and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who together with Ms. Brewer have led state immigration crackdown efforts during the past two decades. Their backing solidifies the former Massachusetts governor’s credentials as the toughest candidate on the issue.

Democrats said the endorsements will damage Mr. Romney among Hispanics in Arizona this week — and across the country in November — should he go on to win the GOP’s presidential nomination.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Al Cardenas: Latinos Are Growing Part of Conservative Movement

The largest group of conservative grassroots activists and leaders are gathering this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference – known as CPAC – to listen to the top conservative voices as they address the struggles the nation faces under the leadership of the most liberal President in our history.  

This is a historic moment for the conservative movement, and as chairman, I am honored to help lead the discussion on the principles that have made America exceptional.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

RNC Hispanic Outreach to Capitalize on Obama’s Failed Leadership

RNC Hispanic Outreach to Capitalize on Obama’s Failed Leadership

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus has announced the next phase of the RNC’s national Latino engagement effort:
“The expanded multifaceted approach to connect with the Hispanic community will include both digital outreach, traditional voter identification, and get out the vote efforts,” said RNC Chairman Priebus. “Aimed at connecting with the fastest growing demographic, the RNC will place staff on the ground across the country to coordinate the GOP’s Hispanic effort as part of a program to make sure Barack Obama is a one-term president. Latinos play an integral role in our communities and the Republican Party believes it is essential to involve Latinos at every level of our Party’s efforts in 2012.”

To organize the national effort and oversee state-level staff working with local Latino communities, the RNC has named Bettina Inclán as the Director of Hispanic Outreach. Bettina is the former Executive Director of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly and has served on numerous campaigns at the national, state and local level. Most recently, Bettina worked on statewide campaigns in both California and Florida. She was part of the team that elected Rick Scott Governor of Florida, who secured over 50 percent of the Hispanic vote in his successful run in 2010.

To kick-off the effort, the RNC has launched a Twitter account @RNCLatinos and a Tumblr blog at The social media sites will include the latest bilingual content, research and videos from the RNC and provide an opportunity for the community to share their thoughts. The Twitter account and Tumblr blog will join the existing bilingual website for Latinos.

“With the unemployment rate for the Latino community at eleven percent, over two points higher than the national average, Latinos across the country are frustrated with Obama’s failed economic policies. Their dissatisfaction with the president creates an opening for the Republican Party’s message of economic security and conservative values to resonate with Latinos,” said

RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day.

A mobile text campaign has also been launched asking Latino voters to text “ÚNETE” (Unite) to 91919 (Data & Msg rates may apply) and join the RNC’s mobile army.
As the 2012 election cycle continues, the RNC will unfold additional pieces of its Hispanic outreach program.