Josh Kraushaar of the National Journal dismantles some myths about Hispanic voters:
Continue Reading » Romney was mocked for calling on illegal immigrants to self-deport at a debate last year, but a new Pew Hispanic Center study shows that's exactly what many Mexican immigrants have been doing on their own, with as many leaving the United States than coming in, between 2005-2010. The report will have a seismic impact on our country's political debate, including this year's presidential election.For Democrats, the expected long-term explosion of Latino voters may not end up materializing. While there was a significant spike in the Hispanic population at the first half of the last decade, the economic recession and tighter immigration crackdowns have slowed that to a trickle. It's not a given that Hispanic voters will make a larger share of the electorate than in 2008, as many in the Obama campaign had presumed (and depended upon). Already Democrats are facing challenges registering Hispanic voters in battleground states, like Arizona.