
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Romney could beat Obama, if he courts Hispanics

Recent polls show Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney closing the gap with rival President Obama. The November presidential election could be decided by a handful of states, some of which – Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico for instance – could swing with the Hispanic vote, considered a slam-dunk for the incumbent. 

Hispanics gave Obama two-thirds of their vote in 2008 and in a recent NBC/WSJ polls favored the president over Romney by a whopping 47 points.

However, if team Romney smartens up, the GOP hopeful could siphon off enough of the Latino vote to give him the win. Like everything else these days, it all depends on jobs.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Alberto Gonzales: Counting Hispanic Votes - A Mission For Converts

It is no secret that Governor Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, faces a challenge attracting Hispanic support in November's presidential election.  What is not so obvious is why a Republican candidate is having such a difficult time connecting with a group generally considered conservative on issues relating to faith, family, and country.

 After all, in part due to the policies of President Obama, Hispanic Americans suffer more than other groups from higher unemployment, falling household median income, and a rising poverty rate.  Hispanics are also unhappy with the President's deportation policies and his failure to honor his campaign pledge to them to push for immigration reform.

However, in spite of these circumstances, many polls show President Obama enjoys a significant double-digit level of support from Hispanics over Governor Romney.  Shared values and failed economic policies apparently are not enough to offset the inconsistent - sometimes half-hearted - attempts of the Republican Party to make Hispanics feel welcomed and supported.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Myths About the Hispanic Vote

Josh Kraushaar of the National Journal dismantles some myths about Hispanic voters:

Mitt Romney was mocked for calling on illegal immigrants to self-deport at a debate last year, but a new Pew Hispanic Center study shows that's exactly what many Mexican immigrants have been doing on their own, with as many leaving the United States than coming in, between 2005-2010.  The report will have a seismic impact on our country's political debate, including this year's presidential election.
For Democrats, the expected long-term explosion of Latino voters may not end up materializing.  While there was a significant spike in the Hispanic population at the first half of the last decade, the economic recession and tighter immigration crackdowns have slowed that to a trickle.  It's not a given that Hispanic voters will make a larger share of the electorate than in 2008, as many in the Obama campaign had presumed (and depended upon). Already Democrats are facing challenges registering Hispanic voters in battleground states, like Arizona.
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Monday, April 16, 2012

Republicans name Nevada organizer to court Hispanic voters

The Republican National Committee this morning announced Nevada is among six states where the party is placing community organizers in a bid to boost GOP standing among Hispanic voters.

The others states are Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina and Virginia. "We're going to engage Hispanics and Latinos like we have never done before at the RNC," chairman Reince Priebus said on a call with reporters. Priebus and other Republicans have made no secret they planned to beef up their presence in a handful of states where Hispanics figure to be a key demographic in November.

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Ozzie deFaria for U.S. Congress

Ozzie deFaria is a 2012 Republican candidate seeking election to the U.S. House representing the 20th Congressional District of Florida. DeFaria is running in the 2012 election for the U.S. House, representing Florida's 20th District. deFaria is seeking the nomination on the Republican ticket.

The signature filing deadline is May 7, 2012, with the primary taking place on August 14, 2012. Incumbent Debbie Wasserman Schultz is seeking re-election on the Democratic ticket.

Mitt Seeks GOP DREAM Act

Mitt Romney plans to win over Hispanic voters the Republican way. He said Sunday that it will be up to the GOP to propose its own version of the DREAM Act to “overcome the issue of immigration.”

 Perhaps he was referring to a piece of legislation reportedly being drafted by Latino Republican darling Marco Rubio. Romney has said that as president he’d definitely veto the DREAM Act, which offers a path to citizenship for young immigrants through military service and college education—but he has expressed support for the military-service part of the program.

David Valadao for Congress

Valadao announced in August 2011 that he will seek the Republican nomination for California's 21st congressional district.

David Valadao is currently serving his first term in the California State Assembly. He is a Republican representing the 30th district, which includes Kings County and parts of Fresno, Kern, and Tulare counties.

RNC Announces New Latino Vote Effort

"We are going to engage Hispanics and Latinos like we've never done before" ~RNC Chairman Reince Priebus


The Republican National Committee is sending Latino outreach directors to swing states with large Hispanic populations as part of a larger effort to win more of the vote, officials announced on Monday. "We are going to engage Hispanics and Latinos like we've never done before," RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said on a call with reporters.

The state directors will be in place by the end of the month in Nevada, North Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Virginia and New Mexico, the RNC announced. Priebus declined to comment on how much money would be devoted to the effort.

 The main pitch: Latinos have been hit hard by the economic recession, and Republicans say President Barack Obama is to blame for not aiding them more.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Malvi Lennon for Connecticut State Assembly

Malvi Lennon a Cuban-America (born in Cuba) from Windsor CT. I am running for the State Senate District 2. . A mother, wife, and small business owner, Malvi is running for office because she believes that Connecticut needs honest leadership that elevates people over politics. Malvi will work to cut taxes, shrink government spending, and foster a business climate that helps create jobs.

Through her life experience, Malvi understands that the key to prosperity lies in the unique freedoms afforded by American democracy. Born in Cuba, Malvi arrived in the United States in 1968 when her family fled Castro’s repressive regime. Although they had left their possessions behind, her parents built a home again in successful pursuit of the American dream. Her family first settled in East Orange, NJ. Pharmacists by training, Malvi’s mother worked in a factory and her father worked at a beverage distributorship. The family ultimately relocated to Tampa, FL, where Malvi attended high school and then went on to attend Hillsborough Community College.

Following college, Malvi pursued a career in the insurance industry, eventually working as a licensed claims adjuster for Aetna Property and Casualty Insurance Company. She later moved to the Connecticut Inter-Local Risk Management Agency, where she adjusted claims for numerous municipalities and agencies. Handling cases relating to employment, benefits, and contract law, Malvi acquired intimate knowledge of the relevant local, state, and federal regulations, and worked closely with individuals at all levels of the public sector.

With the creation of Lennon Claim Services in 2005, Malvi achieved the lifelong dream of owning her own business, which she now operates together with her husband, Robert.

Malvi and Robert live in Windsor. Malvi has two children and a grandson. Her son, Richard, is a police officer in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where he lives with his wife and child. Malvi’s daughter, Lely Marie, is an insurance underwriter living in South Windsor.