
Saturday, January 31, 2015

State-Based Visas: A Federalist Approach to Immigration Reform (Shikha Dalmia)

Median wealth of Hispanic households is $13,700--down from $23,600 in 2007, pre-recession.

Median wealth of Hispanic households is $13,700--down from $23,600 in 2007, pre-recession.

2015 Illinois Inauguration: Latinal Lt. Governor of Illinois Evelyn Sanguinetti

Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti takes the oath of office and delivers a speech in Springfield on Jan. 12, 2015.


Rep. Herrera Beutler presses for answers on Washington's SHOP Exchange

The SHOP exchange was intended to provide options for small business employers. To date, Washington only has one provider offering plans in 2 out of 39 counties.

Republicanos incluyen senadora hispana Anitere Flores entre futuros talentos

Washington, 15 ene (EFEUSA).- El Partido Republicano incluyó hoy a la senadora estatal por Florida, la hispana Anitere Flores, como una de sus "Estrellas en ascenso", un programa con el que los conservadores pretenden subrayar "la diversidad y el talento" dentro de sus filas.

Durante su reunión que estos días se celebra en San Diego (California), el Comité Nacional Republicano (RNC, en inglés) eligió a Flores, con una prolongada carrera política dentro de Florida, como uno de los rostros del futuro del partido a nivel nacional.

Volcada en la educación desde hace años y tras servir en la Cámara de Representantes estatal durante seis, la actual senadora también trabaja con diversas asociaciones educativas del país para promover un mayor acceso a la educación superior.

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Immigrant Entrepreneurs Prosper on Main Street


CBS Miami: Carlos Curbelo Defeats Garcia For U.S. House Seat

Meet The Group Getting Latino Republicans Elected In California — With The Southwest Up Next

In the state of California, more than 90 Latino Republicans have been in elected — in just the last two years. 

And there’s a group behind this eye-popping statistic, working to diversify the Republican Party one local and municipal election at a time in California. “What we’re trying to do with GROW Elect is create a party where Hispanics can see themselves — where they actually see themselves — not as a community that can be outreached to, but as voters and citizens that are included,” said Ruben Barrales, the group’s CEO and a George W. Bush administration veteran. 

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