
Friday, December 28, 2012

Interviewing Angel Garcia, President of the Chicago Young Republicans

A few days ago I had the privilege of interviewing Angel Garcia who is the current President of the Chicago Young Republicans and a lifelong advocate for young Latinos to join the Republican Party. I first met Angel in 2008 at the United States Hispanic LeadershipInstitute (USHLI) Midwest Conference when he was campaigning for Republican Candidate Senator John McCain in the 2008 Presidential Election. Ever since the USHLI conference we have been friends and I recently caught up with Angel to get his perspectives on the recent 2012 presidential election, Republican outreach to young Hispanics and why he is a Republican.

1) Why are you a Republican? It was during the 2nd President (Bill) Clinton election (1996) when my roommate asked me did I know who I was going to vote for and I said yes but I don’t know. That’s when I realized what I stood for and that was the Republican Party because I am anti-democrat (party) because they are the Party of whiners and they always want something. That’s when I knew I was a Republican because I felt closer to them (Republican Party).

2) What are your thoughts on the 2012 Presidential Election? Disappointment, (Governor) Romney was a good candidate. I did not see an established Hispanic outreach plan. The Romney campaign did not come out fighting the negative rhetoric set forth by the Obama Campaign early on in the campaign.

3) What are your thoughts on the fiscal cliff? Is Speaker Boehner doing a good job handling the situation? There is a lot of politics being played, not optimistic and there is no solution being brought forth to the table. In regards to Boehner it still to be seen, not too positive on talks and I don’t know until the end result comes out. Speaker Boehner needs to be more aggressive.

4) What is your current role in the Republican Party? I am part of a 19-member Board of Directors committee - Republican Party. I am also on the Republican Statewide Board and President of Chicago Young Republicans.

5) As a professional in the Chicago area do you feel that your political views set a roadblock? Do your political views affect you in any way? Things have improved. It was difficult a decade ago when it started with six people in a kitchen table but know we are filling events with over 400 people. I do not see a pushback and no threat against my political views. I have met many people in Chicago that are not die-hard democrats just conservative people.

6) Do you believe the Republican Party as a whole is reaching out to Hispanics? The Republican Party is still lacking outreach. Jeb Bush and Senator Rubio doing a good job of pushing for more Hispanics to join the Party.

7) What would you say to young Hispanics out there to motivate them to join the Republican Party? There is nothing cooler and self determined than to join the Republican Party. Do you want to be given a handout (by the Democrat Party)? At what price? Your liberty & independence? Our parents who immigrated to this country did not come for government handouts and for a (Democrat) Party of being in control of ones life.

Angel Garcia has worked on numerous local, state and national campaigns. Currently, Angel serves as the President of the Chicago Young Republicans and is a member of the IL GOP State Central Committee. Angel also has served as President of The John Marshall Law School Federalist Society and as Chairman of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Cook County. Angel has also been a regular political commentator on various local news affiliates including NBC Telemundo, Univision and CBS.

Angel Garcia has a J.D. from The John Marshall Law School, earned his MBA from the Brennen School of Business, and is a lifelong Chicago resident.

Written by Jose L. Fulgencio, Publisher of El Republicano 

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