
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Increasing Young Hispanics to join the Republican Party

Hispanics are the fastest growing population in the U.S. and recent studies show that 1 in every 4 children are of Hispanic origin (under 30 years old), account for 60% of the Hispanic population, which stands at 50.5 million Hispanics according to the 2010 US Census count. The 2012 Presidential Election was not one that Republicans celebrated with joy. The presidency was lost but Republicans kept the House and won several Governorships. There are many reasons as to what caused the Republican Party to lose the presidential race but one major cause for the Republicans big lose on election night was the loss of the Hispanic vote. President Obama won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote and it was not all due to the promise of “gifts.” One reason is due to the harsh criticism of immigration from members of the Party along with the lack of outreach to the Hispanic communities. The immigration stance and a lack of outreach has come to the attention of the Republican Party now that Hispanics are a voting power that will show up to the voting booths across the U.S. The Republican Party must have a new plan in capturing the Hispanic vote in the upcoming 2014 Midterm Election and 2016 General Election. Below are four points that can assist in capturing young Hispanic voters. 

1) Immigration: Make the message clear that the Republican Party embraces immigration on a legal basis through a process system that meets the law of the land. The message should not start with “self-deportation” because it alienates potential young Hispanics from voting Republican in the 2012 Presidential Election. The outreach of Hispanics is not marginalizing to a specific group, the GOP already marginalizes its targeted voters by focusing on specific voters. All that is asked is to not forget about Hispanic voters and come out with an open hand not fist that reads “self-deportation.”

2) Free Market Capitalism: Embrace the free market capitalistic system that has enriched  Hispanic communities from the Cubans in Miami to the Mexicans in California. If the Republican Party sends a clear message that the Party reflects free market capitalism and what it means to society, young Hispanics could be guided towards the right direction by joining the Party.

3) Community Outreach: Hispanic Republicans such as Senator Rubio, Senator-Elect Cruz, Governor Susana Martinez, Governor Brian Sandoval, Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, Former Governor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuno and other prominent Hispanic Republicans should send out a message to young Hispanics of why they are Republicans and how it is acceptable to be a young Hispanic Republican.

4) Education: Giving the message that education is an empowerment, parents should choose where their children should attend and that all educational institutions should be world-class environments that will keep the U.S. a world-class competitive field.

Written by Jose L. Fulgencio, Publisher of El Republicanos 
Follow on Twitter @josefulgencio51
© All Rights Reserved Jose Fulgencio 2013

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